Published inLevel Up CodingUniversal Clipboard for Android to PC Using BLE in Golang (POC)If you use an iPhone and a Mac you would most likely have come across a very handy feature that allows you to copy text and images on your…Jun 30, 2023Jun 30, 2023
Published inDev GeniusI created a dumb virtual assistant in GoRecently, I was brainstorming on a fun project I could build to pass time and maybe learn a thing or two from. One particular project I…Mar 15, 2022Mar 15, 2022
Published inLevel Up CodingBuilding Micro-services in Go using Keycloak for AuthorisationWhen building applications using the micro-service architecture, it is good practice to have a central authorisation server to handle…Dec 31, 20211Dec 31, 20211
Spring-boot Oauth2 Authorization Server with JWT, Custom claims, and Oauth2 Client LoginRecently I had a requirement to include Google login to our already running spring-boot authorization server, well there are a lot of…Dec 30, 20203Dec 30, 20203
Allowing Non Technical Personnel Manage Configurations In Spring Cloud ConfigSpring Cloud Config is Spring’s client/server approach for storing and serving distributed configurations across multiple applications and…May 3, 2020May 3, 2020